Sunday, January 18, 2009

Gears of War

Gears of War left the audience of E3 2005 in awe after curb stomping all other titles being shown during the expedition. Gamers waited impatiently for the game that wouldn't get released until November 2006, while pre-orders of the game out numbered any game of Microsoft's new system and second only to Halo 2 during the studios history. Winning numerous awards such as best game of 2006, the game became an instant hit.

Game's Structure
Gears of War is an over the shoulder 3rd person shooter obviously inspired by Resident Evil 4 that focus's on combat through use of shoot and cover. however unlike similar systems such as in Rainbow Six Vegas or Syphon Filter the mechanic's seem to run smoother and blend better into the pace of the game.

The game's campaign plays through a linear path with Cooperative play for up to 2 players and 2 bots making the maximum number of characters in your squad at one time 4 players, usally Marcus, Dom, Baird and Cole while during parts of the game several other characters make appearances while others or switched or killed of.

One of the unique selling points of the game is a innovative weapons that are present in the game such as the Lancer, an assault rifle with a saw attracted to it (yup bone saw is Rea..dy...!!!). Another weapon is a portable ion cannon called the "Hammer of Dawn" a weapon that when aligned with an above satellite can send a lazer that obliterates the target (I'M A FIRIN' MY LAZER!) There is also a weapon that is based around a bow that shoots an explosive arrow (Rambo style) and when an an enemy is pierced with it... only death awaits. There is a second between the detonation and when playing online the user knows hes screwed when hit.

The game introduces a game mechanic known as the active reload that when the player reloads there weapon and hits the moving bar at the right time the player will reload faster and the bullets inside the gun will get a temporary damage boost, while this mechanic is indeed interesting, when playing online it is sometimes abused

Game's Story
You take the role of an imprisoned Marcus Fenix who was jailed for disobeying a direct order and trying to rescue his dad. Sometime later the Prison that he is serving in is under attack from a subterranean race known as "Locusts" However an old friend "Dominic "Dom" Santiago arrives first to provide you with a gun and an excuse to kill. The games story is pretty weak and does not really revolve around a strong central story, there is a plot line however it isn't anything special.

Game's Graphics's
The detail in both the character model and terrain is fantastic and easily the best looking game of its time. With multiple ways to kill or be killed you will be intrigued with the amount of blood and body pieces flying as bullets rip through you.
The architecture with stunning textures and lighting effects can create a picture like quality.

Game's Control's
The controls of the game will feel strange to newcomers to the game with the cover system feeling weird however it wont be long until the mechanics become second nature and you find yourself mastering each maneuver making the game play and killing locust that much more fun.

Game's Sound
The game does boost a strong dramatic score that is implemented into the games progression, sound effects from weapons and the locust cries make the game very atmospheric (smoke out).

Game's Online Experience
Gears of War is an addictive online game with multiple game types such as warzone (Team Elimination), Annex (similier to King of the Hill). Other game types are similer to Warzone with a catch, one called Assassination that requires players to protect there leader and Execution that requires players to get up close and execute their openents rather than simply shooting them from a distance.

each game type allows up to 8 players 4v4. One team the COG and the other the locust's. neither have any differences in attributes. The game is very addictive online and with various achievements that require a long time to reach you will find yourself playing for hours to unlock them.

one downside to the online battles is various exploits such as glitch's and overused weapons, With the sniper rifle capable of downing a player in one bullet there will be alot of frustration building up when you die and have to wait till the next round to respawn this process can take various minutes and become annoying over a period of time.

Game's replayability
The games online will keep you occupied until for quite sometime and the campaign is also fun to play through however it is very linear. If you also enjoy and need to get all the achivements in the game, it will take various months of grinding to get many of them to a stage were it becomes a chore (what Seriously!!).

There are a wide range of game types and multiplayer maps to keep you going and with 2 releases of DLC maps there is alot of varity.

Final Score - 94%

Final Verdict
Gears of War has excellent Graphics and Gameplay and is a breath of fresh air to people tired of standard First Person Shooters. Lack of an emotional or deep story hinders the game however the game is solid and a must buy for 360 owners

Upcoming Reviews Jan 09

Titles that i plan to review in January are as follows...

Left 4 Dead - 360/PC

Gears of War - 360

Grand Theft Auto IV - PS3/360

Metal Gear Solid 4 - PS3

Lost: via Domus - PS3/360


Left 4 Dead

Left 4 Dead was one the most anticipated games in 2008, Whilst winning best game of E3, The games success showed through the sales and popularity online with more 360 owners playing this rather than the newly released "Gears of War 2".

So the question is... Did Valves shooter do the horde justice or is it just another Nobrainer game...

Game's Structure
Left 4 Dead is quite simply a 4 player cooperative game that requires a team to get from (Safe room) A to (Safe room) B whilst killing lots of C inbetween or rather Z for..... Zebras.. (No Silly..... Zombies). Whilst at these locations the player can regroup, get ammo and well... Get ready to go back out.

The game doesn't really have a story however each of the four campaigns are like small movies with five chapter's in each, The latter revolving around the player calling for help and waiting out until the rescue vehicle shows up. The characters in the four campaigns are the same in each (unlucky for some eh?)

"So how does a game like this stay interesting after the first play through". Well continuing with the movie theme, Valve created a simple but effective solution called the AI Director who through calculating the players stress level (In game that is don't worry) distributes the right amount of punisme.... er i mean Infected your way. For example if you are finding it very hard the AI Director will cut you some slack and will spawn better weapons and/or health packs at various locations around the map... However if you are finding the game a walk in the park, You will find the AI Director starving you of these luxury's while also throwing in some extra Zombies to keep it intresting . The games soundtrack also blend into whats happening in the surroundings.

With this mechanic in place the game is always fresh with no to playthroughs the same. This maintains a sense of balance. (On a side note however, Expert mode forgets all this and just sends all of Hell at you)

Along with the normal infected there are a few special types of Infected such as "The Boomer" that can puke on the survivors, this attracts a horde of Zombies to attack the players covered in it. Other special types include "The Smoker" with his long tongue can grab, pull and constrict the survivors, "The Hunter" that can pouch on the poor folk and rip them to shreds. (ouch)

There are 2 of what could be called Super Infected, Firstly there is "The Witch" that is randomly placed around the map. Shes sits crying and weeping like a helpless child however if the Survivors disturb her, She goes on a rampage... downing the player that startled her then runs of. Secondly theres "The Tank" the most effective infected that takes a beating to go down and mows over anything in its path.

Game's Graphics's
Well its no Secret that the Source engine is aging, however it isn't ready just to stand aside either (like Bill) That's not to say the game doesn't look impressive, it most certainly well does with the lighting in the game second to none. Environments are smooth and with everything going on theres no slowdown or drop in performance.

Game's Control's
The Game boosts a very basic yet addictive control scheme. RT is for firing, while LT is your melee button. Up on the D-pad turns on/off Light, Left equips your projectile weapon such as a Petrol Bomb (Molotov) or a Pipe bomb while Right and Down equip your medic pack and Pills respectively. in short the game is simple, fast paced and most importantly works well.

Game's Sound
While i mentioned earlier that the background music varies around the mood of the Director, Other sounds such as the crys and moans of the different infected are unique and add to the game. From the eerie music, Survivor conversations, and one liners, shrill whistle alerting you of an incoming horde, to the wheezing of the Smokers and disturbingly real gagging and vomiting sounds of the boomer's there is alot going on and it fits perfect. The gun sounds also deserve a mention.

Game's Online Experience
To get the most out of L4D you will need to play online in either Coop Campaign or Versus mode. 4vs4Verus mode pits 4 human players playing as Survivors against another 4 players who play as the special infected and have to prevent the other from reaching the safe house. then the players switch team and vice versa in a battle for points.

Only two of the four campaigns are available to play in this mode out of the box however Valve have promised to release the others via DLC.

Game's Replayability
This is were PC players rejoice as Valve will soon release the SDK allowing players to make there own campaigns and mods thus making this game an instant online hit. 360 owners on the other hand will have to make do with whatever updates Valve release.

Valve have already announced that a major update is coming to the 360 and PC owners in the coming weeks that will open up the other Campaigns in Vs, add one or more campaigns, and there have been hints at a few new weapons and new Special Infected to be added to the roster.

This update will also fix lots of the games problems such as glitches and exploits and will make this great game better by extracting the minor problems that it has.

Final Score - 91%

Final Verdict
The game's only downside is its length, it makes you come back for more, but there isn't more. DLC and the SDK will fix this problem however


Hello and welcome to my blog that will be dedicated to reviewing games from past to present. Here you can see my thoughts and opinions on old classics from the retro era right up until present day releases.

At the moment however the blog is pretty empty, But check back for regular updates.
